Suggested Videos
Part 17 - How to make angular custom validator reusable | Text | Slides
Part 18 - Angular reactive forms cross field validation | Text | Slides
Part 19 - Angular formarray example | Text | Slides
In this video we will discuss Creating a FormArray of FormGroup objects.
If you are wondering, why are we doing this?
Well, this is preparation for dynamically creating FormGroups at runtime. Every time we click, "Add Skill" button on the "Employee Form" below, we want to dynamically generate a new set of skill related form fields. So in this video, we will do all the preparation required for that.
Component Class Code :
In the template, use the formArrayName directive to bind to the skills FormArray. Now the important point to keep in mind is, in the component class, we only have one FormGroup instance in the skills FormArray. That one FormGroup instance is present at index position ZERO in the FormArray. This is the reason we have set formGroupName="0".
HTML in the view template
With the above 2 changes, the validation is broken. To fix it, modify the code in logValidationErrors() method as shown below.
Next video : We will discuss generating skill realted FormGroups and FormControls dynamically at runtime.
Part 17 - How to make angular custom validator reusable | Text | Slides
Part 18 - Angular reactive forms cross field validation | Text | Slides
Part 19 - Angular formarray example | Text | Slides
In this video we will discuss Creating a FormArray of FormGroup objects.
If you are wondering, why are we doing this?
Well, this is preparation for dynamically creating FormGroups at runtime. Every time we click, "Add Skill" button on the "Employee Form" below, we want to dynamically generate a new set of skill related form fields. So in this video, we will do all the preparation required for that.
Component Class Code :
constructor(private fb: FormBuilder) { }
ngOnInit() {
this.employeeForm ={
fullName: ['', [Validators.required]],
contactPreference: ['email'],
// Other Form Controls..
// Create skills FormArray using the
injected FormBuilder
// class array() method. At the moment,
in the created
// FormArray we only have one FormGroup
instance that is
// returned by addSkillFormGroup()
skills: this.fb.array([
// Rest of the code
addSkillFormGroup(): FormGroup {
skillName: ['', Validators.required],
experienceInYears: ['', Validators.required],
proficiency: ['', Validators.required]
In the template, use the formArrayName directive to bind to the skills FormArray. Now the important point to keep in mind is, in the component class, we only have one FormGroup instance in the skills FormArray. That one FormGroup instance is present at index position ZERO in the FormArray. This is the reason we have set formGroupName="0".
HTML in the view template
<div class="well">
<div formArrayName="skills">
<div formGroupName="0">
<!-- Skill Name Label & Form
Control HTML
Experience Label &
Form Control HTML
Proficiency Label &
Form Control HTML -->
With the above 2 changes, the validation is broken. To fix it, modify the code in logValidationErrors() method as shown below.
logValidationErrors(group: FormGroup = this.employeeForm): void {
Object.keys(group.controls).forEach((key: string) => {
const abstractControl = group.get(key);
this.formErrors[key] = '';
if (abstractControl && !abstractControl.valid
(abstractControl.touched ||
abstractControl.dirty)) {
const messages = this.validationMessages[key];
for (const errorKey in abstractControl.errors) {
if (errorKey) {
this.formErrors[key] += messages[errorKey] + ' ';
if (abstractControl instanceof FormGroup) {
// We need this additional check to get
to the FormGroup
// in the FormArray and then
recursively call this
// logValidationErrors() method to fix
the broken validation
if (abstractControl instanceof FormArray) {
for (const control of abstractControl.controls) {
if (control instanceof FormGroup) {
Next video : We will discuss generating skill realted FormGroups and FormControls dynamically at runtime.
very useful, i really loved this tutorials.