In this tutorial we will discuss
1. Java History : Birth and Evolution
2. Java Popularity : Tiobe Score
3. Java Installation
What is programming language
What is Java
When was Java born
Java Installation
export JAVA_HOME=$(/usr/libexec/java_home)
$ source .bash_profile
1. Java History : Birth and Evolution
2. Java Popularity : Tiobe Score
3. Java Installation
What is programming language
- A programming language defines the way to communicate with computer. It is used to make a computer perform a series of tasks based on the instructions you give it.
- Some Programming languages are low level while others are high level.
- There are various genre of programming languages. Some are procedural, others are object oriented or functional.
What is Java
- Java can be considered as both - programming language & platform.
- Java programming language is a high-level object-oriented language & has a particular syntax and style. For example : Java 6, Java 7, Java 8, Java 9 etc. are various versions of Java language
- Java platform is a particular environment in which Java programming language applications run. For example : Java SE, Java ME, Java EE, Java FX are all Java platforms
When was Java born
- James Gosling initiated the Java language in 1991. He was modifying C++ initially to make it suitable for set top box, but then ended up creating Java and Java Compiler
- Java was simpler and platform independent initiative alternative of C++
- The language was initially called Oak, but later Sun’s marketing department named Java
- Sun Microsystems released its first public implementation of Java 1.0 in 1995
- Latest version is Java 8 update 121 as of today
- Oracle Corporation is current owner of official implementation of Java language
- Oracle is working on Java 9 as of now, tentatively to be released in July 2017
- Open JDK is another notable Java implementation licensed under GNU GPL
- Java language is key pillar of Android, an open source mobile operating system
Java Installation
- Search 'Oracle Java Downloads' on Google
- First link takes you to Oracle Java SE Downloads
- Download JDK + JRE based on your OS
- Set PATH to include JDK and JRE binary location
- Control Panel > System > Advanced Settings > Environment Variables > Path
- Add C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_121\bin to the list
- Add C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_121\bin to the list
- Control Panel > System > Advanced Settings > Environment Variables
- Add user specific variable JAVA_HOME = C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_121
- Set PATH to include JDK and JRE binary location
export JAVA_HOME=$(/usr/libexec/java_home)
$ source .bash_profile

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