Suggested Videos
Part 15 - Angular reactive form custom validator | Text | Slides
Part 16 - Angular reactive form custom validator with parameter | Text | Slides
Part 17 - How to make angular custom validator reusable | Text | Slides
In this video we will discuss cross field validation in a reactive form.
Let us understand this with an example. We want to ensure Email and Confirm Email fields have the same value. If they do not match, we want to display a validation message.
ConfirmEmail field is required and if no value is present it should display the required validation error.
So in short, here is the requirement
Changes in the Template (create-employee.component.html)
Changes in the Component Clas (create-employee.component.ts) : The changes are commented and self-explanatory.
Finally, include the following validator function in create-employee.component.ts file, after the closing curly brace (}) of the CreateEmployeeComponent class.
Part 15 - Angular reactive form custom validator | Text | Slides
Part 16 - Angular reactive form custom validator with parameter | Text | Slides
Part 17 - How to make angular custom validator reusable | Text | Slides
In this video we will discuss cross field validation in a reactive form.
Let us understand this with an example. We want to ensure Email and Confirm Email fields have the same value. If they do not match, we want to display a validation message.
ConfirmEmail field is required and if no value is present it should display the required validation error.
So in short, here is the requirement
- Confirm Email field is required and if a value is present it should match with the Email field value.
- If no value is entered, it should display required error
- If a value is present and does not match with Email field, it should display do not match validation error
Changes in the Template (create-employee.component.html)
<div class="form-group"
<label class="col-sm-2
control-label" for="email">Email</label>
<div class="col-sm-8">
<input id="email"
<span class="help-block"
<div class="form-group"
|| formErrors.emailGroup}">
<label class="col-sm-2
control-label" for="confirmEmail">
Confirm Email
<div class="col-sm-8">
<input id="confirmEmail"
<span class="help-block"
|| formErrors.emailGroup">
{{formErrors.confirmEmail ? formErrors.confirmEmail
: formErrors.emailGroup}}
- Notice email and confirmEmail form controls are nested in a formgroup with name emailGroup
- Bootstrap has-error class is conditionally added if either confirmEmail or emailGroup properties of the formErrors object are truthy
- confirmEmail property stores required error - Confirm Email is required.
- emailGroup property stores do not match error - Email and Confirm Email do not match
- We do not have these 2 properties on the formErrors object yet. We will add them in the component class in just a bit.
- Similarly, the span element that displays the validation error is bound to confirmEmail or emailGroup properties of the formErrors object. So the span element is displayed only if either of the properties are truthy.
{{formErrors.confirmEmail ? formErrors.confirmEmail : formErrors.emailGroup}}
Changes in the Component Clas (create-employee.component.ts) : The changes are commented and self-explanatory.
// Group properties on the formErrors
object. The UI will bind to these properties
// to display the respective validation
formErrors = {
'fullName': '',
'email': '',
'confirmEmail': '',
'emailGroup': '',
'phone': '',
'skillName': '',
'proficiency': ''
// This structure stoes all the
validation messages for the form Include validation
// messages for confirmEmail and
emailGroup properties. Notice to store the
// validation message for the
emailGroup we are using emailGroup key. This is the
// same key that the matchEmails()
validation function below returns, if the email
// and confirm email do not match.
validationMessages = {
'fullName': {
'required': 'Full
Name is required.',
'minlength': 'Full
Name must be greater than 2 characters',
'maxlength': 'Full
Name must be less than 10 characters.',
'email': {
'required': 'Email
is required.',
'emailDomain': 'Email
domian should be'
'confirmEmail': {
'required': 'Confirm
Email is required.'
'emailGroup': {
'emailMismatch': 'Email
and Confirm Email do not match.'
'phone': {
'required': 'Phone
is required.'
'skillName': {
'required': 'Skill
Name is required.',
'required': 'Experience
is required.',
'proficiency': {
'required': 'Proficiency
is required.',
// email and confirmEmail form controls
are grouped using a nested form group
// Notice, the validator is attached to
the nested emailGroup using an object
// with key validator. The value is our
validator function matchEmails() which
// is defined below. The important
point to keep in mind is when the validation
// fails, the validation key is
attached the errors collection of the emailGroup
// This is the reason we added
emailGroup key both to formErrors object and
// validationMessages object.
ngOnInit() {
this.employeeForm ={
fullName: ['',
[Validators.required, Validators.minLength(2),
contactPreference: ['email'],
email: ['',
[Validators.required, emailDomain('')]],
confirmEmail: ['',
}, { validator: matchEmails }),
phone: [''],
skillName: ['',
experienceInYears: ['',
proficiency: ['',
=> {
string) => {
logValidationErrors(group: FormGroup = this.employeeForm):
void {
Object.keys(group.controls).forEach((key: string) =>
const abstractControl = group.get(key);
this.formErrors[key] = '';
// Loop through nested form groups and form
controls to check
// for validation errors. For the form groups and
form controls
// that have failed validation, retrieve the
// validation message from validationMessages
object and store
// it in the formErrors object. The UI binds to the
// object properties to display the validation
if (abstractControl && !abstractControl.valid
&& (abstractControl.touched || abstractControl.dirty)) {
const messages = this.validationMessages[key];
for (const errorKey in
abstractControl.errors) {
if (errorKey) {
+= messages[errorKey] + ' ';
if (abstractControl instanceof
FormGroup) {
Finally, include the following validator function in create-employee.component.ts file, after the closing curly brace (}) of the CreateEmployeeComponent class.
// Nested form group (emailGroup) is
passed as a parameter. Retrieve email and
// confirmEmail form controls. If the
values are equal return null to indicate
// validation passed otherwise an
object with emailMismatch key. Please note we
// used this same key in the
validationMessages object against emailGroup
// property to store the corresponding
validation error message
matchEmails(group: AbstractControl): { [key: string]: any } | null {
const emailControl = group.get('email');
const confirmEmailControl = group.get('confirmEmail');
if (emailControl.value === confirmEmailControl.value
|| confirmEmailControl.pristine) {
return null;
} else {
return { 'emailMismatch':
true };
Hi there
ReplyDeletewhere can I find the code to download
To work in Angular 12
email: [
[Validators.required, CustomValidators.emailDomain('')],
confirmEmail: ['', Validators.required],
}, {validators: matchEmail})
and function matchEmail should be as
function matchEmail(control: AbstractControl): ValidationErrors | null {