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Part 23 - Difference between group join and inner join in linq
Part 24 - Left Outer Join in LINQ
Part 25 - Cross Join in LINQ
The following operators belong to Set operators category
In this video we will discuss Distinct operator. This operator returns distinct elements from a given collection.
Example 1: Return distinct country names. In this example the default comparer is being used and the comparison is case-sensitive, so in the output we see country USA 2 times.
Example 2: For the comparison to be case-insensitive, use the other overloaded version of Distinct() method to which we can pass a class that implements IEqualityComparer as an argument. In this case we see country USA only once in the output.
When comparing elements, Distinct() works in a slightly different manner with complex types like Employee, Customer etc.
Example 3: Notice that in the output we don't get unique employees. This is because, the default comparer is being used which will just check for object references being equal and not the individual property values.
To solve the problem in Example 3, there are 3 ways
1. Use the other overloaded version of Distinct() method to which we can pass a custom class that implements IEqualityComparer
2. Override Equals() and GetHashCode() methods in Employee class
3. Project the properties into a new anonymous type, which overrides Equals() and GetHashCode() methods
Example 4 : Using the overloaded version of Distinct() method to which we can pass a custom class that implements IEqualityComparer
Step 1 : Create a custom class that implements IEqualityComparer<T> and implement Equals() and GetHashCode() methods
public class EmployeeComparer : IEqualityComparer<Employee>
Step 2 : Pass an instance of EmployeeComparer as an argument to Distinct() method
List<Employee> list = new List<Employee>()
Example 5 : Override Equals() and GetHashCode() methods in Employee class
Example 6 : Project the properties into a new anonymous type, which overrides Equals() and GetHashCode() methods
Part 23 - Difference between group join and inner join in linq
Part 24 - Left Outer Join in LINQ
Part 25 - Cross Join in LINQ
The following operators belong to Set operators category
In this video we will discuss Distinct operator. This operator returns distinct elements from a given collection.
Example 1: Return distinct country names. In this example the default comparer is being used and the comparison is case-sensitive, so in the output we see country USA 2 times.
string[] countries = { "USA",
"usa", "INDIA", "UK",
"UK" };
var result = countries.Distinct();
foreach (var v in

Example 2: For the comparison to be case-insensitive, use the other overloaded version of Distinct() method to which we can pass a class that implements IEqualityComparer as an argument. In this case we see country USA only once in the output.
string[] countries = { "USA",
"usa", "INDIA", "UK",
"UK" };
var result = countries.Distinct(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
foreach (var v in

When comparing elements, Distinct() works in a slightly different manner with complex types like Employee, Customer etc.
Example 3: Notice that in the output we don't get unique employees. This is because, the default comparer is being used which will just check for object references being equal and not the individual property values.
list = new List<Employee>()
new Employee { ID = 101, Name = "Mike"},
new Employee { ID = 101, Name = "Mike"},
new Employee { ID = 102, Name = "Mary"}
var result = list.Distinct();
foreach (var v in
+ "\t" + v.Name);

To solve the problem in Example 3, there are 3 ways
1. Use the other overloaded version of Distinct() method to which we can pass a custom class that implements IEqualityComparer
2. Override Equals() and GetHashCode() methods in Employee class
3. Project the properties into a new anonymous type, which overrides Equals() and GetHashCode() methods
Example 4 : Using the overloaded version of Distinct() method to which we can pass a custom class that implements IEqualityComparer
Step 1 : Create a custom class that implements IEqualityComparer<T> and implement Equals() and GetHashCode() methods
public class EmployeeComparer : IEqualityComparer<Employee>
public bool Equals(Employee x, Employee
return x.ID == y.ID && x.Name ==
public int GetHashCode(Employee obj)
return obj.ID.GetHashCode() ^ obj.Name.GetHashCode();
Step 2 : Pass an instance of EmployeeComparer as an argument to Distinct() method
List<Employee> list = new List<Employee>()
new Employee { ID = 101, Name = "Mike"},
new Employee { ID = 101, Name = "Mike"},
new Employee { ID = 102, Name = "Mary"}
var result = list.Distinct(new EmployeeComparer());
foreach (var v in
+ "\t" + v.Name);

Example 5 : Override Equals() and GetHashCode() methods in Employee class
public class Employee
public int ID
{ get; set;
public string Name
{ get; set;
public override bool Equals(object obj)
return this.ID
== ((Employee)obj).ID
&& this.Name == ((Employee)obj).Name;
public override int GetHashCode()
return this.ID.GetHashCode()
^ this.Name.GetHashCode();
Example 6 : Project the properties into a new anonymous type, which overrides Equals() and GetHashCode() methods
list = new List<Employee>()
new Employee { ID = 101, Name = "Mike"},
new Employee { ID = 101, Name = "Mike"},
new Employee { ID = 102, Name = "Mary"}
var result = list.Select(x =>
new { x.ID, x.Name }).Distinct();
foreach (var v in
Console.WriteLine(" " + v.ID + "\t" + v.Name);

i have created a list and i am trying to use distinct
ReplyDeletebut it doesnot work for me
List emp = new List()
new Employee {ID=101, Name="PRAWEEN" },
new Employee { ID = 101, Name = "praween"},
new Employee { ID = 102, Name = "Mary"}
var result = emp.Select(x=> new {x.ID,x.Name }).Distinct();
foreach (var v in result)
Console.WriteLine(v.ID + "\t" + v.Name);
Hey Praveen
DeleteDistinct operator is case sensitive
So Name="PRAWEEN" != Name = "praween" for Distinct Operator
Deletelist.Select(x => new { ID= x.ID, Name= x.Name.ToUpper()}).Distinct();