Suggested Videos
Part 21 - Group Join in LINQ
Part 22 - Inner Join in LINQ
Part 23 - Difference between group join and inner join in linq
The following are the different types of joins in LINQ
Group Join - Discussed in Part 21
Inner Join - Discussed in Part 22
Left Outer Join - We will discuss in this video
Cross Join - Later Video
In this video we will discuss implementing LEFT OUTER JOIN in LINQ.
With INNER JOIN only the matching elements are included in the result set. Non-matching elements are excluded from the result set.
With LEFT OUTER JOIN all the matching elements + all the non matching elements from the left collection are included in the result set.
Let us understand implementing Left Outer Join with an example. Consider the following Department and Employee classes. Notice that, Employee Mary does not have a department assigned. An inner join will not include her record in the result set, where as a Left Outer Join will.
Use DefaultIfEmpty() method on the results of a group join to implement Left Outer Join
Example 1 : Implement a Left Outer Join between Employees and Department collections and print all the Employees and their respective department names. Employees without a department, should display "No Department" against their name.
Output: Notice that, we also have Mary record in spite of she not having a department. So this is effectively a left outer join.
Example 2 : Rewrite Example 1 using extension method syntax.
To implement Left Outer Join, with extension method syntax we use the GroupJoin() method along with SelectMany() and DefaultIfEmpty() methods.
Part 21 - Group Join in LINQ
Part 22 - Inner Join in LINQ
Part 23 - Difference between group join and inner join in linq
The following are the different types of joins in LINQ
Group Join - Discussed in Part 21
Inner Join - Discussed in Part 22
Left Outer Join - We will discuss in this video
Cross Join - Later Video
In this video we will discuss implementing LEFT OUTER JOIN in LINQ.
With INNER JOIN only the matching elements are included in the result set. Non-matching elements are excluded from the result set.

With LEFT OUTER JOIN all the matching elements + all the non matching elements from the left collection are included in the result set.

Let us understand implementing Left Outer Join with an example. Consider the following Department and Employee classes. Notice that, Employee Mary does not have a department assigned. An inner join will not include her record in the result set, where as a Left Outer Join will.
public class Department
public int ID
{ get; set;
public string Name
{ get; set;
public static List<Department> GetAllDepartments()
return new List<Department>()
new Department { ID = 1, Name = "IT"},
new Department { ID = 2, Name = "HR"},
public class Employee
public int ID
{ get; set;
public string Name
{ get; set;
public int DepartmentID
{ get; set;
public static List<Employee> GetAllEmployees()
return new List<Employee>()
new Employee { ID = 1, Name = "Mark", DepartmentID = 1
new Employee { ID = 2, Name = "Steve", DepartmentID =
2 },
new Employee { ID = 3, Name = "Ben", DepartmentID = 1
new Employee { ID = 4, Name = "Philip", DepartmentID =
1 },
new Employee { ID = 5, Name = "Mary" }
Use DefaultIfEmpty() method on the results of a group join to implement Left Outer Join
Example 1 : Implement a Left Outer Join between Employees and Department collections and print all the Employees and their respective department names. Employees without a department, should display "No Department" against their name.
var result = from
e in Employee.GetAllEmployees()
join d in Department.GetAllDepartments()
on e.DepartmentID equals
d.ID into eGroup
from d in eGroup.DefaultIfEmpty()
select new
EmployeeName = e.Name,
DepartmentName = d
== null ? "No Department" : d.Name
foreach (var v in
Console.WriteLine(v.EmployeeName + "\t" + v.DepartmentName);
Output: Notice that, we also have Mary record in spite of she not having a department. So this is effectively a left outer join.

Example 2 : Rewrite Example 1 using extension method syntax.
var result = Employee.GetAllEmployees()
e => e.DepartmentID,
d => d.ID,
(emp, depts) =>
new { emp, depts })
.SelectMany(z =>
(a, b) => new
EmployeeName = a.emp.Name,
DepartmentName = b
== null ? "No Department" : b.Name
foreach (var v in
" + v.EmployeeName + "\t" + v.DepartmentName);
To implement Left Outer Join, with extension method syntax we use the GroupJoin() method along with SelectMany() and DefaultIfEmpty() methods.

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