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ASP.NET Core MVC course wrap up

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In this video we will wrap up this core mvc tutorial. 

This course is over 20 hours and consists of 124 clips. We have covered most of the core mvc concepts that help you build real-world enterprise class data driven web applications.

There are few more important concepts like partial views, view components, razor pages, blazor etc. ASP.NET Core 3.0 is now released. So we will cover these remaining concepts in our upcoming course that makes use of core 3.0.

You can find the complete source code of the project that we have built as part of this course at the following link.

Software Required
  1. Visual Studio 2017. Community Edition which is free will also work.
  2. .NET Core SDK 2.2
The detailed instructions to download and install these softwares are discussed in Part 2 of this core mvc tutorial.

Steps to download, setup and run core mvc project used in this course.

Download the source code from the following link.

EmployeeManagement folder contains the core mvc project source code.

download kudvenkat core project source code

Download and extract all the files. 

Double click on the solution file - EmployeeManagement.sln file. You will find this file in the EmployeeManagement folder.

Once you have the solution open. Execute the following command from Package Manager Console.


This will create the required database and tables.

Run the project using CTRL+F5

You can find the slides, text version and all the videos in logical sequence at the following URL.

If you have couple of minutes, please leave your rating and valuable feedback on our course page on the Feedback tab at the following URL. core tutorial for beginners


  1. Excellent work, I have enjoyed watching all the videos and reading the blogs. The videos are very helpful in explaining the concepts. I was skeptical of external authentication provider, but now I definitely would consider using external providers with addition of 2FA Authentication. In addition, your explanation of the startup.cs file was excellent especially the use of lambda expression, middleware pipe line , and DI. Looking forward to additional videos in core 3.0 .

  2. Again excellent work. Thank you very much for your effort. I am sure it's a great starting point for future ASP NET Core developers. Thanks again and looking forward to core 3.0 videos.

  3. Indeed, this is the best course for both beginner and advanced learners. We look forward your next course.

    Thanks a lot!!!

  4. This has been an amazing course. As always, you share just pure quality content. Keep it up!

  5. Thank you so much for your course. It is easy to understand and very helpful to software developers.


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