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Part 4 - Using stored procedures with LINQ to SQL
Part 5 - Insert Update Delete using stored procedures in LINQ to SQL
Part 6 - Stored procedures with output parameters in LINQ to SQL
In this video we will discuss
1. What is SqlMetal
2. How to use SqlMetal
What is SqlMetal
SqlMetal is a command-line code generation tool used to generate LINQ-to-SQL classes. There are 2 ways to generate LINQ-to-SQL classes
1. Uisng Visual Studio OR
2. Using SqlMetal
What is the windows path where I can find SqlMetal.exe
On my machine SqlMetal.exe is present in the following location
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.0A\bin
How to use SqlMetal.exe to generate the LINQ-to-SQL classes
Step 1 : Run Visual Studio Command prompt as an Administrator
Step 2 : In C:\ create a new folder. Name it SqlMetalGeneratedFiles. This is the folder where we will store the generated dbml file.
Step 3 : Type the following command and press enter
SqlMetal.exe /server:localhost /database:Sample /namespace:Demo
In this example we are using the following options
server - Database server name. In our example, the database server is a local server, hence we specified localhost.
database - database name
dbml - The name of the generated dbml file
namespace - Namespace for the generated classes
context - Name of the data context class
For the full list of all available options that can be used with SqlMetal.exe, please check the following MSDN article
Navigate to C:\SqlMetalGeneratedFiles\ and you should find Sample.dbml
Let's now discuss using Sample.dbml file in an ASP.NET Web Application.
Step 1 : Create a new empty web application project. Name it Demo.
Step 2 : In the web.config file, copy and paste the following connection string
Step 3 : Right click on the Demo project, in solution explorer and select Add - Existing Item. Navigate to C:\SqlMetalGeneratedFiles and add Sample.dbml.
Step 4 : Add a WebForm to the project. Drag and drop a GridView control on the WebForm. Copy and paste the following code in the code-behind file.
Part 4 - Using stored procedures with LINQ to SQL
Part 5 - Insert Update Delete using stored procedures in LINQ to SQL
Part 6 - Stored procedures with output parameters in LINQ to SQL
In this video we will discuss
1. What is SqlMetal
2. How to use SqlMetal
What is SqlMetal
SqlMetal is a command-line code generation tool used to generate LINQ-to-SQL classes. There are 2 ways to generate LINQ-to-SQL classes
1. Uisng Visual Studio OR
2. Using SqlMetal
What is the windows path where I can find SqlMetal.exe
On my machine SqlMetal.exe is present in the following location
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.0A\bin
How to use SqlMetal.exe to generate the LINQ-to-SQL classes
Step 1 : Run Visual Studio Command prompt as an Administrator
Step 2 : In C:\ create a new folder. Name it SqlMetalGeneratedFiles. This is the folder where we will store the generated dbml file.
Step 3 : Type the following command and press enter
SqlMetal.exe /server:localhost /database:Sample /namespace:Demo
In this example we are using the following options
server - Database server name. In our example, the database server is a local server, hence we specified localhost.
database - database name
dbml - The name of the generated dbml file
namespace - Namespace for the generated classes
context - Name of the data context class
For the full list of all available options that can be used with SqlMetal.exe, please check the following MSDN article
Navigate to C:\SqlMetalGeneratedFiles\ and you should find Sample.dbml
Let's now discuss using Sample.dbml file in an ASP.NET Web Application.
Step 1 : Create a new empty web application project. Name it Demo.
Step 2 : In the web.config file, copy and paste the following connection string
<add name="SampleConnectionString"
Source=venkat-pc;database=Sample;Integrated Security=True"
providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />
Step 3 : Right click on the Demo project, in solution explorer and select Add - Existing Item. Navigate to C:\SqlMetalGeneratedFiles and add Sample.dbml.
Step 4 : Add a WebForm to the project. Drag and drop a GridView control on the WebForm. Copy and paste the following code in the code-behind file.
using System;
using System.Configuration;
namespace Demo
public partial class
WebForm1 : System.Web.UI.Page
protected void Page_Load(object sender,
EventArgs e)
string cs = ConfigurationManager.
using (SampleDataContext dbContext = new SampleDataContext(cs))
GridView1.DataSource = dbContext.Employees;
can u plz tell us advantage of SQLMetal vs EDMX?
ReplyDeleteI think the option above might be wrong. It resulted in error in the command prompt. The actual command to generate the linq-to-sql file is
ReplyDeleteSqlMetal.exe /server:localhost /database:Sample /dbml:C:\SqlMetalGeneratedFiles\Sample.dbml /namespace:Demo /Context:SampleDataContext