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Part 114 - External login email confirmation in core | Text | Slides
Part 115 - Forgot password in core | Text | Slides
Part 116 - Reset password in core | Text | Slides
In this video we will understand, how core generates and validates tokens i.e Password Rest Token and Email Confirmation Token for example.
We discussed generating and using
ASP.NET Core built-in UserManager service provides useful methods to generate and validate these tokens. For example,
To generate Email Confirmation Token, we use GenerateEmailConfirmationTokenAsync() method
To generate Password Reset Token, we use GeneratePasswordResetTokenAsync() method
Both these methods, GenerateEmailConfirmationTokenAsync() and GeneratePasswordResetTokenAsync() internally calls GenerateUserTokenAsync() method.
ASP.NET Core is open source. So, if you take a look at the UserManager class source code on their official github page, you will see both these methods call GenerateUserTokenAsync() method.
Notice, both these methods call GenerateUserTokenAsync() method.
GenerateUserTokenAsync() has 3 parameters.
Both Email Confirmation Tokens and Password Reset Tokens are generated by the built-in DataProtectorTokenProvider. The source code of this class is on the following github page
GenerateAsync() method generates the token and ValidateAsync() method validates the token
DataProtectorTokenProvider GenerateAsync()
As you can see from the code, the generated token contains
DataProtectorTokenProvider ValidateAsync()
As the name implies ValidateAsync() method validates the token. First it is decoded from Base 64 and then decrypted. Decryption is done by the Data Protection API (DP API).
The token creation time is read from the token. To this, the the token life span is added. If this computed DateTime is less than current UTC DateTime, the token has expired. So the method returns false. Tokens cannot be used after they have expired. The default token lifespan is one day. We can change this to meet our application requirements. We will discuss how to do this in our next video.
The User ID in the token is compared against the User ID the token is being used. If the User IDs are not equal, the method return false invalidating the token. A token generated for a given user must only be used by that user.
The purpose from the token is read to make sure it is used for the intended purpose. Token generated for a purpose must be used only for that purpose. If we try to use it for a different purpose, token validation fails. For example, if a token is generated for a given user for the purpose of resetting password, it can be used only by that specific user for resetting his password. If we try to use it for a different user or purpose, token validation fails. Simply put, Password Reset Token cannot be used to confirm an email address.
The security stamp in the token is compared with the user current security stamp in the database. If they are different, the token validation fails.
Part 114 - External login email confirmation in core | Text | Slides
Part 115 - Forgot password in core | Text | Slides
Part 116 - Reset password in core | Text | Slides
In this video we will understand, how core generates and validates tokens i.e Password Rest Token and Email Confirmation Token for example.
We discussed generating and using
ASP.NET Core built-in UserManager service provides useful methods to generate and validate these tokens. For example,
To generate Email Confirmation Token, we use GenerateEmailConfirmationTokenAsync() method
var token = await userManager.GenerateEmailConfirmationTokenAsync(user);
To generate Password Reset Token, we use GeneratePasswordResetTokenAsync() method
var token = await userManager.GeneratePasswordResetTokenAsync(user);
Both these methods, GenerateEmailConfirmationTokenAsync() and GeneratePasswordResetTokenAsync() internally calls GenerateUserTokenAsync() method.
ASP.NET Core is open source. So, if you take a look at the UserManager class source code on their official github page, you will see both these methods call GenerateUserTokenAsync() method.
Notice, both these methods call GenerateUserTokenAsync() method.
public virtual Task<string> GenerateEmailConfirmationTokenAsync(TUser user)
return GenerateUserTokenAsync(user,
Options.Tokens.EmailConfirmationTokenProvider, ConfirmEmailTokenPurpose);
public virtual Task<string> GeneratePasswordResetTokenAsync(TUser user)
return GenerateUserTokenAsync(user,
Options.Tokens.PasswordResetTokenProvider, ResetPasswordTokenPurpose);
return GenerateUserTokenAsync(user,
Options.Tokens.EmailConfirmationTokenProvider, ConfirmEmailTokenPurpose);
public virtual Task<string> GeneratePasswordResetTokenAsync(TUser user)
return GenerateUserTokenAsync(user,
Options.Tokens.PasswordResetTokenProvider, ResetPasswordTokenPurpose);
GenerateUserTokenAsync() has 3 parameters.
- The user the token will be for
- The token provider which will actually generate the token
- The token purpose - For example, password reset or email confirmation. Token generated for a given purpose must be used only for that purpose. For example, an email confirmation token cannot be used to reset a password.
Both Email Confirmation Tokens and Password Reset Tokens are generated by the built-in DataProtectorTokenProvider. The source code of this class is on the following github page
GenerateAsync() method generates the token and ValidateAsync() method validates the token
DataProtectorTokenProvider GenerateAsync()
As you can see from the code, the generated token contains
- Token Creation Time
- User ID
- Token Purpose
- Security Stamp
public virtual async Task<string> GenerateAsync(string purpose,
UserManager<TUser> manager, TUser user)
if (user == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(user));
var ms = new MemoryStream();
var userId = await manager.GetUserIdAsync(user);
using (var writer = ms.CreateWriter())
writer.Write(purpose ?? "");
string stamp = null;
if (manager.SupportsUserSecurityStamp)
stamp = await manager.GetSecurityStampAsync(user);
writer.Write(stamp ?? "");
var protectedBytes = Protector.Protect(ms.ToArray());
return Convert.ToBase64String(protectedBytes);
UserManager<TUser> manager, TUser user)
if (user == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(user));
var ms = new MemoryStream();
var userId = await manager.GetUserIdAsync(user);
using (var writer = ms.CreateWriter())
writer.Write(purpose ?? "");
string stamp = null;
if (manager.SupportsUserSecurityStamp)
stamp = await manager.GetSecurityStampAsync(user);
writer.Write(stamp ?? "");
var protectedBytes = Protector.Protect(ms.ToArray());
return Convert.ToBase64String(protectedBytes);
DataProtectorTokenProvider ValidateAsync()
As the name implies ValidateAsync() method validates the token. First it is decoded from Base 64 and then decrypted. Decryption is done by the Data Protection API (DP API).
The token creation time is read from the token. To this, the the token life span is added. If this computed DateTime is less than current UTC DateTime, the token has expired. So the method returns false. Tokens cannot be used after they have expired. The default token lifespan is one day. We can change this to meet our application requirements. We will discuss how to do this in our next video.
The User ID in the token is compared against the User ID the token is being used. If the User IDs are not equal, the method return false invalidating the token. A token generated for a given user must only be used by that user.
The purpose from the token is read to make sure it is used for the intended purpose. Token generated for a purpose must be used only for that purpose. If we try to use it for a different purpose, token validation fails. For example, if a token is generated for a given user for the purpose of resetting password, it can be used only by that specific user for resetting his password. If we try to use it for a different user or purpose, token validation fails. Simply put, Password Reset Token cannot be used to confirm an email address.
The security stamp in the token is compared with the user current security stamp in the database. If they are different, the token validation fails.
public virtual async Task<bool> ValidateAsync(string purpose,
string token, UserManager<TUser>
manager, TUser user)
var unprotectedData =
var ms = new
using (var reader =
var creationTime = reader.ReadDateTimeOffset();
var expirationTime = creationTime + Options.TokenLifespan;
if (expirationTime < DateTimeOffset.UtcNow)
return false;
var userId = reader.ReadString();
var actualUserId = await manager.GetUserIdAsync(user);
if (userId != actualUserId)
return false;
var purp = reader.ReadString();
if (!string.Equals(purp,
return false;
var stamp = reader.ReadString();
if (reader.PeekChar() != -1)
return false;
if (manager.SupportsUserSecurityStamp)
return stamp == await
return stamp == "";
// ReSharper
disable once EmptyGeneralCatchClause
// Do not leak
return false;
Hello there!
ReplyDeletePerhaps someone can help me.
I have some EmailConfirmationTokens that are failing.
I tried to reverse/decode the tokens to see if the containing data is correct, but ended up finding out they are "crypted".
Viewing the source code I can see that:
"var protectedBytes = Protector.Protect(ms.ToArray());"
is crypting and:
"var unprotectedData = Protector.Unprotect(Convert.FromBase64String(token));"
Now I'm curios where and what this crypting key is and where it can be found/where it's stored.
Thanks in advance!