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This question can also be asked in a slightly different way
How to handle exceptions that occur in finally block
The exception propagates up, and should be handled at a higher level. If the exception is not handled at the higher level, the application crashes. The "finally" block execution stops at the point where the exception is thrown.
In the example below, notice that the "finally" block in "Hello()" method throws an exception. Hello() method is being called in the Main() method and we don't have any exception handling mechanism in place in the Main() method. So, the application crashes with the exception.
public class Program
public static void Main()
public static void Hello()
// Some code
// Some code
Console.WriteLine("This line will be executed");
int result = Convert.ToInt32("TEN");
Console.WriteLine("This line will NOT be executed");
On the other hand, if you include exception handling mechanism(try/catch) in the Main() method, then you will have the opportunity to handle the exception.
public static void Main()
catch (Exception ex)
// Process and log the exception
Irrespective of whether there is an exception or not "finally" block is guaranteed to execute.
1. If the "finally" block is being executed after an exception has occurred in the try block,
2. and if that exception is not handled
3. and if the finally block throws an exception
Then the original exception that occurred in the try block is lost.
Here is an example:
public class Program
public static void Main()
catch (Exception ex)
public static void Hello()
// This exception will be lost
throw new Exception("Exception in TRY block");
throw new Exception("Exception in FINALLY block");
Part 7 - Storing different list types in a single generic list
Part 8 - Can an abstract class have a constructor
Part 9 - Call an abstract method from an abstract class constructor
This question can also be asked in a slightly different way
How to handle exceptions that occur in finally block
The exception propagates up, and should be handled at a higher level. If the exception is not handled at the higher level, the application crashes. The "finally" block execution stops at the point where the exception is thrown.
In the example below, notice that the "finally" block in "Hello()" method throws an exception. Hello() method is being called in the Main() method and we don't have any exception handling mechanism in place in the Main() method. So, the application crashes with the exception.
public class Program
public static void Main()
public static void Hello()
// Some code
// Some code
Console.WriteLine("This line will be executed");
int result = Convert.ToInt32("TEN");
Console.WriteLine("This line will NOT be executed");
On the other hand, if you include exception handling mechanism(try/catch) in the Main() method, then you will have the opportunity to handle the exception.
public static void Main()
catch (Exception ex)
// Process and log the exception
Irrespective of whether there is an exception or not "finally" block is guaranteed to execute.
1. If the "finally" block is being executed after an exception has occurred in the try block,
2. and if that exception is not handled
3. and if the finally block throws an exception
Then the original exception that occurred in the try block is lost.
Here is an example:
public class Program
public static void Main()
catch (Exception ex)
public static void Hello()
// This exception will be lost
throw new Exception("Exception in TRY block");
throw new Exception("Exception in FINALLY block");

is finally block executes after return ??
ReplyDeleteYes, the codes in the finally block will be always executed