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Logging deadlocks in sql server

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In this video we will discuss how to write the deadlock information to the SQL Server error log

When deadlocks occur, SQL Server chooses one of the transactions as the deadlock victim and rolls it back. There are several ways in SQL Server to track down the queries that are causing deadlocks. One of the options is to use SQL Server trace flag 1222 to write the deadlock information to the SQL Server error log.

Enable Trace flag : To enable trace flags use DBCC command. -1 parameter indicates that the trace flag must be set at the global level. If you omit -1 parameter the trace flag will be set only at the session level.

DBCC Traceon(1222, -1)

To check the status of the trace flag
DBCC TraceStatus(1222, -1)

To turn off the trace flag
DBCC Traceoff(1222, -1)

The following SQL code generates a dead lock. This is the same code we discussed in Part 78 of SQL Server Tutorial.

--SQL script to create the tables and populate them with test data
Create table TableA
    Id int identity primary key,
    Name nvarchar(50)

Insert into TableA values ('Mark')

Create table TableB
    Id int identity primary key,
    Name nvarchar(50)

Insert into TableB values ('Mary')

--SQL Script to create stored procedures
Create procedure spTransaction1
    Begin Tran
    Update TableA Set Name = 'Mark Transaction 1' where Id = 1
    Waitfor delay '00:00:05'
    Update TableB Set Name = 'Mary Transaction 1' where Id = 1
    Commit Transaction

Create procedure spTransaction2
    Begin Tran
    Update TableB Set Name = 'Mark Transaction 2' where Id = 1
    Waitfor delay '00:00:05'
    Update TableA Set Name = 'Mary Transaction 2' where Id = 1
    Commit Transaction

Open 2 instances of SQL Server Management studio. From the first window execute spTransaction1 and from the second window execute spTransaction2

After a few seconds notice that one of the transactions complete successfully while the other transaction is made the deadlock victim and rollback.

The information about this deadlock should now have been logged in sql server error log.

To read the error log
execute sp_readerrorlog

Next video : How to read and understand the deadlock information that is logged in the sql server error log

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