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Part 10 - Join 3 tables in sql server

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In this video we will discuss joining 3 tables in SQL Server. Joining 3 tables (or even more) is very similar to joining 2 tables. 

We will be using the following 3 tables in this demo.
Join 3 tables in sql server

SQL Script to create the required tables
Create Table Departments
     DepartmentID int primary key,
     DepartmentName nvarchar(50)

Create Table Genders
     GenderID int primary key,
     Gender nvarchar(50)

Create Table Employees
     EmployeeID int primary key,
     EmployeeName nvarchar(50),
     DepartmentID int foreign key references Departments(DepartmentID),
     GenderID int foreign key references Genders(GenderID)

Insert into Departments values (1, 'IT')
Insert into Departments values (2, 'HR')
Insert into Departments values (3, 'Payroll')

Insert into Genders values (1, 'Male')
Insert into Genders values (2, 'Female')

Insert into Employees values (1, 'Mark', 1, 1)
Insert into Employees values (2, 'John', 1, 1)
Insert into Employees values (3, 'Mike', 2, 1)
Insert into Employees values (4, 'Mary', 2, 2)
Insert into Employees values (5, 'Stacy', 3, 2)
Insert into Employees values (6, 'Valarie', 3, 2)

Write a query to join 3 the tables and retrieve EmployeeName, DepartmentName and Gender. The output should be as shown below.
joining 3 or more tables in sql server

SELECT EmployeeName, DepartmentName, Gender
FROM Employees
JOIN Departments ON Employees.DepartmentID = Departments.DepartmentID
JOIN Genders ON Employees.GenderID = Genders.GenderID

Write a query to show the total number of employees by DEPARTMENT and by GENDER. The output should be as shown below.
group by 2 columns sql server

SELECT DepartmentName, Gender, COUNT(*) as TotalEmployees
FROM Employees
JOIN Departments ON Employees.DepartmentID = Departments.DepartmentID
JOIN Genders ON Employees.GenderID = Genders.GenderID
GROUP BY DepartmentName, Gender
ORDER BY DepartmentName, Gender

sql server interview questions and answers


  1. very easy to learn ...thank you sir

  2. easy to understand topics ,....thank you for posting interview videos ....we expect more advanced interview questions ..........thanks a lot


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