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Part 15 - Conditional Mapping in entity framework with code first

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Part 12 - Table splitting in entity framework
Part 13 - Table splitting in entity framework with code first approach
Part 14 - Conditional Mapping in entity framework

In Part 14, we discussed Conditional Mapping in entity framework with database first approach. Please watch Part 14 before proceeding. In this video we will discuss Conditional Mapping in entity framework with code first approach.

Step 1: Create a new empty web application project. Name it Demo. Install entity framework if it's not already installed.

Step 2: Add a class file to the project. Name it Employee.cs. Copy and paste the following code.
namespace Demo
    public class Employee
        public int EmployeeID { get; set; }
        public string FirstName { get; set; }
        public string LastName { get; set; }
        public string Gender { get; set; }
        public bool IsTerminated { get; set; }

Step 3: Add a class file to the project. Name it EmployeeDBContext.cs. Copy and paste the following code.
using System.Data.Entity;
namespace Demo
    public class EmployeeDBContext : DbContext
        public DbSet<Employee> Employees { get; set; }

        protected override void OnModelCreating(DbModelBuilder modelBuilder)
                .Map(m => m.Requires("IsTerminated")
                .Ignore(m => m.IsTerminated);


Step 4: Add the database connection string in web.config file.
  <add name="EmployeeDBContext"
            connectionString="server=.; database=Sample; integrated security=SSPI;"
            providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />

Step 5: Add a webform to the project. Drag and drop a GridView control. 

Step 6: Copy and paste the following code in the code-behind file.
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
    EmployeeDBContext employeeDBContext = new EmployeeDBContext();
    GridView1.DataSource = employeeDBContext.Employees.ToList();

Step 7: If you already have Sample database in SQL Server. Delete it from SQL Server Management Studio.

Step 8: Run the application. Sample database and Employees table must be created at this point.

Step 9: Insert test data using the following SQL script
Insert into Employees values ('Mark', 'Hastings', 'Male', 0)
Insert into Employees values ('Steve', 'Pound', 'Male', 0)
Insert into Employees values ('Ben', 'Hoskins', 'Male', 0)
Insert into Employees values ('Philip', 'Hastings', 'Male', 1)
Insert into Employees values ('Mary', 'Lambeth', 'Female', 0)
Insert into Employees values ('Valarie', 'Vikings', 'Female', 0)
Insert into Employees values ('John', 'Stanmore', 'Male', 1)

Step 10: Open SQL profiler and run the webform. Notice that the select query has a WHERE clause, which will always return employees who are not terminated.
    [Extent1].[EmployeeID] AS [EmployeeID],
    [Extent1].[FirstName] AS [FirstName],
    [Extent1].[LastName] AS [LastName],
    [Extent1].[Gender] AS [Gender]
    FROM [dbo].[Employees] AS [Extent1]
    WHERE [Extent1].[IsTerminated] = 0
Entity Framework Tutorial

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