SqlDataAdapter in ADO.NET - Part 10

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Part 7 - Calling a stored procedure with output parameters
Part 8 - SqlDataReader object in ado.net
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In this video we will learn about
1. SqlDataAdapter
2. DataSet

In the previous sessions of ADO.NET video series, we have learnt about SqlDataReader. SqlDataReader is connection oriented, meaning it requires an active and open connection to the data source. SqlDataAdapter and DataSet provides us with disconnected data access model. In this part, we learn to use SqlDataAdapter and DataSet objects. In a later video session, we will discuss about, where the disconnected data access model can be used. 

In Part 4, we have discussed about SqlCommand object. When we create an instance of SqlCommand object, we pass in the following 2 parameters to the constructor of the SqlCommand class.
1. The command that we want to execute 
2. The connection on which we want to execute the command

Along the same lines, when creating an instance of the SqlDataAdapter, we specify
1. The sql command that we want to execute 
2. The connection on which we want to execute the command

The example shown below 
1. Creates an instance of SqlDataAdapter, passing in the required parameters (SqlCommandText and the Connection object)
2. Creates an instance of DataSet object. A DataSet is an in-memory data store, that can store tables, just like a database.
3. The Fill() method of the SqlDataAdapter class is then invoked. This method does most of the work. It opens the connection to the database, executes the sql command, fills the dataset with the data, and closes the connection. Opening and closing connections is handled for us. The connection is kept open only as long as it is needed.
4. The dataset object, is then set as the datasource of the GridView1 control
5. Finally the DataBind() method is called, which binds the data to the control.
string ConnectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["DBConnectionString"].ConnectionString;
using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(ConnectionString))
    // Create an instance of SqlDataAdapter. Spcify the command and the connection
    SqlDataAdapter dataAdapter = new SqlDataAdapter("select * from tblProductInventory", connection);
    // Create an instance of DataSet, which is an in-memory datastore for storing tables
    DataSet dataset = new DataSet();
    // Call the Fill() methods, which automatically opens the connection, executes the command 
    // and fills the dataset with data, and finally closes the connection.

    GridView1.DataSource = dataset;

Executing a stored procedure using SqlDataAdapter:
Create procedure spGetProductInventory 
Select ProductId, ProductName, UnitPrice 
from tblProductInventory

If you want to execute stored procedure spGetProductInventory, using the SqlDataAdapter, just specify the name of the procedure instead of the in-line sql statement.
SqlDataAdapter dataAdapter = new SqlDataAdapter("spGetProductInventory", connection);
dataAdapter.SelectCommand.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;

Executing a stored procedure with parameters using SqlDataAdapter:
Create procedure spGetProductInventoryById
@ProductId int
Select ProductId, ProductName, UnitPrice 
from tblProductInventory
where ProductId = @ProductId

To execute stored procedure spGetProductInventoryById, we need to associate parameter @ProductId to the SqlDataAdapeter object's SelectCommand as shown below.
string ConnectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["DBConnectionString"].ConnectionString;
using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(ConnectionString))
    // Create an instance of SqlDataAdapter, specifying the stored procedure
    // and the connection object to use

    SqlDataAdapter dataAdapter = new SqlDataAdapter("spGetProductInventoryById", connection);
    // Specify the command type is an SP
    dataAdapter.SelectCommand.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
    // Associate the parameter with the stored procedure
    dataAdapter.SelectCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@ProductId", 1);
    DataSet dataset = new DataSet();

    GridView1.DataSource = dataset;


  1. plz explain why we use commandbuilder class with example its interview question when i face the interview yesterday plz plz make video i know you are busy in your work but its important plz record as early as possible

  2. What is Response.OutPut.Write() method?
    Please upload videos regarding this as soon as possible because i face this question in an interview.

  3. Can i get the queries to create the table and the source files?

  4. Dear offcourse you can get queries and sampple code available on this link http://csharp-video-tutorials.blogspot.com/p/free-adonet-video-tutorial.html just open and find the file according to your need


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