Common Table Expressions - Part 49

Common table expression (CTE) is introduced in SQL server 2005. A CTE is a temporary result set, that can be referenced within a SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE statement, that immediately follows the CTE.

Let's create the required Employee and Department tables, that we will be using for this demo.

SQL Script to create tblEmployee table:
CREATE TABLE tblEmployee
Id int Primary Key,
Name nvarchar(30),
Gender nvarchar(10),
DepartmentId int

SQL Script to create tblDepartment table 
CREATE TABLE tblDepartment
DeptId int Primary Key,
DeptName nvarchar(20)

Insert data into tblDepartment table
Insert into tblDepartment values (1,'IT')
Insert into tblDepartment values (2,'Payroll')
Insert into tblDepartment values (3,'HR')
Insert into tblDepartment values (4,'Admin')

Insert data into tblEmployee table
Insert into tblEmployee values (1,'John', 'Male', 3)
Insert into tblEmployee values (2,'Mike', 'Male', 2)
Insert into tblEmployee values (3,'Pam', 'Female', 1)
Insert into tblEmployee values (4,'Todd', 'Male', 4)
Insert into tblEmployee values (5,'Sara', 'Female', 1)
Insert into tblEmployee values (6,'Ben', 'Male', 3)

Write a query using CTE, to display the total number of Employees by Department Name. The output should be as shown below.

Before we write the query, let's look at the syntax for creating a CTE.
WITH cte_name (Column1, Column2, ..)
( CTE_query )

SQL query using CTE:
With EmployeeCount(DepartmentId, TotalEmployees)
Select DepartmentId, COUNT(*) as TotalEmployees
from tblEmployee
group by DepartmentId

Select DeptName, TotalEmployees
from tblDepartment
join EmployeeCount
on tblDepartment.DeptId = EmployeeCount.DepartmentId
order by TotalEmployees

We define a CTE, using WITH keyword, followed by the name of the CTE. In our example, EmployeeCount is the name of the CTE. Within parentheses, we specify the columns that make up the CTE. DepartmentId and TotalEmployees are the columns of EmployeeCount CTE. These 2 columns map to the columns returned by the SELECT CTE query. The CTE column names and CTE query column names can be different. Infact, CTE column names are optional. However, if you do specify, the number of CTE columns and the CTE SELECT query columns should be same. Otherwise you will get an error stating - 'EmployeeCount has fewer columns than were specified in the column list'. The column list, is followed by the as keyword, following which we have the CTE query within a pair of parentheses.

EmployeeCount CTE is being joined with tblDepartment table, in the SELECT query, that immediately follows the CTE. Remember, a CTE can only be referenced by a SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE statement, that immediately follows the CTE. If you try to do something else in between, we get an error stating - 'Common table expression defined but not used'. The following SQL, raise an error.

With EmployeeCount(DepartmentId, TotalEmployees)
Select DepartmentId, COUNT(*) as TotalEmployees
from tblEmployee
group by DepartmentId

Select 'Hello'

Select DeptName, TotalEmployees
from tblDepartment
join EmployeeCount
on tblDepartment.DeptId = EmployeeCount.DepartmentId
order by TotalEmployees

It is also, possible to create multiple CTE's using a single WITH clause.
With EmployeesCountBy_Payroll_IT_Dept(DepartmentName, Total)
Select DeptName, COUNT(Id) as TotalEmployees
from tblEmployee
join tblDepartment 
on tblEmployee.DepartmentId = tblDepartment.DeptId
where DeptName IN ('Payroll','IT')
group by DeptName
EmployeesCountBy_HR_Admin_Dept(DepartmentName, Total)
Select DeptName, COUNT(Id) as TotalEmployees
from tblEmployee
join tblDepartment 
on tblEmployee.DepartmentId = tblDepartment.DeptId
group by DeptName
Select * from EmployeesCountBy_HR_Admin_Dept 
Select * from EmployeesCountBy_Payroll_IT_Dept


  1. when we create a CTE ,it stores the temporary result can i know where this temporary resultset will be stored.

  2. Hi Venkat can you please explain below queries:

    ;with fact as (
    select 1 as fac, 1 as num
    union all
    select fac*(num+1), num+1
    from fact
    where num<12)
    select fac
    from fact
    where num=7
    ;with fibo as (
    select 0 as fibA, 0 as fibB, 1 as seed, 1 as num
    union all
    select seed+fibA, fibA+fibB, fibA, num+1
    from fibo
    where num<12)
    select fibA
    from fibo

  3. Select DeptName, TotalEmployees
    from tblDepartment
    join EmployeeCount
    on tblDepartment.DeptId = EmployeeCount.DepartmentId
    order by TotalEmployees

    how can you use a column from cte in select statement with joins without actually refering to cte
    Select DeptName, EmployeeCount.TotalEmployees
    from tblDepartment
    join EmployeeCount
    on tblDepartment.DeptId = EmployeeCount.DepartmentId
    order by TotalEmployees

  4. Query Processing - use all key components (IN, EXISTS, CTE)

  5. CREATE TABLE tblEmployee2
    Id int Primary Key,
    Name nvarchar(30),
    Gender nvarchar(10),
    DepartmentId int
    CREATE TABLE tblDepartment1
    DeptId int Primary Key,
    DeptName nvarchar(20)

    Insert into tblDepartment1 values (1,'IT')
    Insert into tblDepartment1 values (2,'Payroll')
    Insert into tblDepartment1 values (3,'HR')
    Insert into tblDepartment1 values (4,'Admin')

    Insert into tblEmployee2 values (1,'John', 'Male', 3)
    Insert into tblEmployee2 values (2,'Mike', 'Male', 2)
    Insert into tblEmployee2 values (3,'Pam', 'Female', 1)
    Insert into tblEmployee2 values (4,'Todd', 'Male', 4)
    Insert into tblEmployee2 values (5,'Sara', 'Female', 1)
    Insert into tblEmployee2 values (6,'Ben', 'Male', 3)
    Insert into tblEmployee2 values (7,'Buddy', 'Male', 1)

    with CTE_on_Tblemployee2
    select * from tblemployee2

    select t.Gender, t.DepartmentId, Count(*) as total_no_of_Employees from CTE_on_Tblemployee2 t
    inner join tbldepartment1 td
    on t.DepartmentId=td.DeptId
    group by t.Gender,t.DepartmentId

  6. Hello Venkat, can we create 3 cte with one with clause?

  7. You left out the where clause in the second CTE, so below returns all 4 rows:

    With EmployeesCountBy_Payroll_IT_Dept(DepartmentName, Total)
    Select DeptName, COUNT(Id) as TotalEmployees
    from tblEmployee
    join tblDepartment
    on tblEmployee.DepartmentId = tblDepartment.DeptId
    where DeptName IN ('Payroll','IT')
    group by DeptName
    EmployeesCountBy_HR_Admin_Dept(DepartmentName, Total)
    Select DeptName, COUNT(Id) as TotalEmployees
    from tblEmployee
    join tblDepartment
    on tblEmployee.DepartmentId = tblDepartment.DeptId
    group by DeptName
    Select * from EmployeesCountBy_HR_Admin_Dept
    --Select * from EmployeesCountBy_Payroll_IT_Dept

  8. With EmployeeCount(DepartmentId, TotalEmployees)
    (Select DepartmentId, COUNT(*) as TotalEmployees
    from tblEmployee
    group by DepartmentId)

    When i try to execute the query, it throws me the below error
    Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Line 5
    Incorrect syntax near ')'.

    Please explain.

    1. two tables are based on relation .if there are two tables related to each other by using primary key and foreign key contstrants ..........then we need to include join concept.. in your query add following statements ..
      Select DeptName, TotalEmployees
      from tblDepartment
      join EmployeeCount
      on tblDepartment.DeptId = EmployeeCount.DepartmentId
      order by TotalEmployees

  9. i have a question please for that which one is fast with in CTE OR Drived table


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